Grasp & Conquer English


WordWeb is a one-click English thesaurus and dictionary for Windows that can look up words in almost any program. It works off-line, but can also look up words in web references such as the Wikipedia encyclopedia. The Following link will take you to the WORDWEB page:


The following Power Point Presentation is a compilation from many sources of information found on the World Wide Web.
INSTRUCTIONS: On the last slide there are 30 nouns. Write sentences using the nouns found on the last slide. Use nouns as complements of the sentence and only use the verb 'be'.
Pronouns presentation
File Size: 9161 kb
File Type: pptx
Download File

Download the following journal and bind it. This material will be used throughout the semester and everyday in class.
You can also just punch three holes on the sheets and use your ordinary binder to bind the journal.
Starfall Block Print Level One Journal [3.3 mb]