Grasp & Conquer English


1. Download the presentation found under this heading onto your computer.
2. This presentation is intended to provide to you with information on future classes.
3. Write the information instructed by your teacher on your diary, so you keep track of the information.

Where does each belong?

The file under this heading is called, "Where does each belong?".
Download it onto your computer.
Hand-write the information in it on your portfolio.
Classify all the phrases found in the document.
Make sure you understand every word found in each phrase.
File Size: 16 kb
File Type: docx
Download File

Parts of Speech Word Clouds

"Pronoun Word Cloud" by The Sages of Knowledge

1. The link under this heading takes you to the wordcloud created by The Sages of Knowledge.
2. Click on the link.
3. Download the word cloud found on the page onto your computer.
4. Print the word cloud and cut out all the words then bring it next class. 
5.Remember we will be working during two weeks with this word cloud presentations.
5. Also I remind you that you were asked to bring scissors and glue.
6. Here is another option to have a more efficient class.
File Size: 252 kb
File Type: docx
Download File

"Noun Word Cloud" by The Chocoroles

1. The link under this heading takes you to the wordcloud created by The Chocoroles Team.
2. Click on the link.
3. Download the word cloud found on the page onto your computer.
4. Print the word cloud and bring it next class. 
5.Remember we will be working during two weeks with this word cloud presentations.
5. Also I remind you that you were asked to bring scissors and glue.

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